KamiKatsu : the Laziest Anime of Spring 2023

Otaku Mantra Team

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Introducing “KamiKatsu” –  Working for God in a Godless World

In the vast realm of anime, where dazzling visuals and captivating stories reign supreme, there occasionally emerges a production that defies expectations and ventures into uncharted territories of mediocrity. Among these missteps, KamiKatsu stands tall as the laziest anime to be made in Spring 2023.

This anime series showcases the most abysmal CGI, lackluster animation, and a script that leaves much to be desired, as opposed to the backdrop of the magnificence such as Demon Slayer, Oshi No Ko, and Jigokuraku to name a few.

In recent years, anime enthusiasts have been spoiled by breathtaking animation and meticulous attention to detail. Works such as Demon Slayer and Oshi no Ko have set new standards with their fluid motion, vibrant colors, and dynamic fight sequences. Each frame of this anime is a testament to the immense effort and talent poured into its creation, elevating the medium to new heights. However, nestled amidst this pinnacle of visual brilliance, lies the unfortunate spectacle that is “KamiKatsu”


From the very first frame, the stark contrast between these two anime series becomes glaringly apparent. The CGI employed in “KamiKatsu” is nothing short of jarring, often resembling early experiments in computer animation. Below you can see the horrible CGI for the monsters that they have used in the first episode itself.

Kamikatsu Otaku Mantra

Characters move with an uncanny stiffness, their expressions lacking the nuanced range of emotion that draws viewers in. Backgrounds are rendered with a crude simplicity, lacking the depth and intricate detail that transports audiences to immersive worlds. Recently they just took a footage of a real person, applied a anime filter sort of, photoshopped the face with the anime character as shown below.

The animation, or lack thereof, only exacerbates the woes of “KamiKatsu”.

Whereas Demon Slayer’s battles are dynamic, captivating the audience with seamless choreography released during Spring 2023 itself, “KamiKatsu” offers a choppy and disjointed experience. The movements lack fluidity, as if the characters are perpetually caught in an awkward limbo between one pose and the next. This visual discordance becomes a distraction, severing the viewer’s connection to the story and its characters.

Yet, perhaps the most egregious sin committed by “KamiKatsu” lies in its poorly written script. While Demon Slayer, Jigokuraku, and Oshi No Ko weaves a narrative tapestry rich in depth, emotions, and complex character arcs, “Kamikatsu” falters in its attempt to engage the audience. For instance in the first episode, the Main Character wakes up in another world where a woman beats his meat while he is asleep (if you know what we mean)

As we embark on this journey through the depths of “KamiKatsu,” we must confront the stark reality that not all anime can be a masterpiece. In the face of exceptional works like Demon Slayer or Oshi No Ko, it becomes all the more evident when a series fails to measure up. Let us brace ourselves for a tumultuous expedition, where the flaws of CGI, animation, and script converge to create an experience that is undeniably memorable, if only for the wrong reasons.

Oh, by the way the Studio is “Studio Palette” and has R-17 rating : ) Some of their other animes are “The World’s Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat” and “Quality Assurance in Another World”. Although the former one is a good hit so you can consider watching it.

So what you think about this shitpost of an anime and which one should we cover next? Feel free to comment us down… Check out our recommendations for anime coming this SUMMER 2023 from here.