In a significant blow to the anime industry, episodes from the highly anticipated new anime adaptation of Rumiko Takahashi’s “Ranma 1/2,” the television anime of Yukinobu Tatsu’s “DAN DA DAN,” and the “Gekijōban Mononoke: Karakasa” anime film have been leaked online. The leaks have surfaced on sites such as 4chan and piracy-focused BitTorrent sites like Nyaa Torrents. According to some unofficial sources, the leaks originated from a Japanese dubbing studio affiliated with Netflix Japan.
The leaked content includes the first four episodes of “Ranma 1/2,” the first six episodes of “DAN DA DAN”, the whole eight episodes of Terminator Zero and the entire “Mononoke” film. These leaks are marked with blurred watermarks and burned-in timestamps, available in a low-resolution ninth-HD format (640×360 or 640×352).
The premiere of the new “Ranma 1/2” anime, which is highly anticipated, is set for August 24 at Anime NYC, courtesy of Viz Media and Hot Topic. The anime is scheduled to debut in Japan on October 5 and will stream exclusively on Netflix following its broadcast.
Similarly, “DAN DA DAN” will have its English dub premiere at Anime NYC on August 24. The anime’s first three episodes, collectively titled “DAN DA DAN: First Encounter,” will be screened theatrically across Asia starting August 31, Europe on September 7, and North America on September 13. The screenings will reach over 50 countries, including Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, and Africa through mid-September. The series will premiere in Japan in October, with streaming available worldwide on Netflix and on Crunchyroll.
“Gekijōban Mononoke: Karakasa” (Paper Umbrella), which is the inaugural film in the new Mononoke project, premiered in Japanese theatres on July 26. While the film has not yet secured an international licensee or scheduled any international screenings, its unauthorized leak could potentially impact its overseas distribution plans.
These leaks pose a serious threat to the anime industry, highlighting the challenges faced in protecting intellectual property and the financial repercussions for studios and creators.
Sources: 4chan, Nyaa Torrents