Anitale winner

This Anitale 2023 event is getting more intresting. This time, we got a story which is a fan-fiction take on an actual existing japanese manga (Gokushufudou). So how was this new take on this manga??? Ms. KENZA FERNANDES presented a very wounderful vision on this source material:



Disclaimer: This is the fan Fiction story, it may contain some spoillers from the original source but this is not completely related with the original source

Masa is at Tatsu and Miku’s apartment. Tatsu has gone out for grocery shopping and to get Gin some more food. Masa while petting Gin wonders how did Miku meet Tatsu, he imagines many scenario’s….’Did Miku get kidnapped? and was saved by Tatsu? What if Miku was getting harassed and Tatsu saw and bashed the goons? or maybe Miku lost her memory and Tatsu tricked her into marrying him!’ Masa wondered while starring and feeling bad for Miku. Miku sensed something was off with Masa and hesitantly asked him what he was thinking so intensely. Masa scratching his head, hesitantly asked Miku how did she and Tatsu ended up marrying when they are of totally different worlds.

Masa looks towards Miku since she didn’t answer and sees her eye’s sparkling with excitement. Miku snaps out of her daze and tells Masa that no one had ever asked her about it and that he was the first one to ask so that’s why she got excited. Hearing this conversation Gin also got curious “How did mama and dada meet? Even I want to listen…” Gin jumps into Miku’s arms and gets ready to listen.” oh! Gin you also want to listen ok then… here’s how me and Tatsu met each other” Miku says while sitting down with Gin in her arms.

Miku start’s explaining “one evening as I was returning from work, it was a really hard day so I reached late”, as Miku is explaining Masa continues to imagine weird scenarios…” did he stalk her!…oh my god! She was stalked!” Miku continues “as I was passing by the park…” Masa again starts wondering” she was definitely harassed by some goons!…he must have saved her, he’s a good guy after all! Right…” Miku continues “I saw a figure sitting on the swing set, I thought it was some drunk geezer who might have passed out, but still I decided to check, just in case. That was the first time I saw Tatsu… fully beaten up…, covered in dirt and blood…bruises and cuts all over his face…”. Masa is in shock as he never even thought about someone laying a finger on Tatsu.” he was once a legendary yakuza… The ‘Immortal Dragon!’ how can anyone beat him up to this extinct?” he asked Miku.

Miku shook her head and said ‘I don’t even know, he never explained what he went through before I found him that night”. Miku and Masa both start thinking what could have the situation been, but neither knew what must have happened. Miku shook her head and said ‘Lets continue what we were talking about… so… I found Tatsu unconscious on the swing… he could barely say few words…’. Miku starts shaking Tatsu who was injured on the swing.” Sir are you okay? …sir?…can you hear me? “Miku sees that Tatsu is very badly injured. “Sir do you want me to call someone?… where is your phone…” she checks his pockets and finds a broken phone, Miku looks around for help but no one is around,” Sir, Iam calling an ambulance!” Miku tries to tell Tatsu” n-o-o-no….am-bu—l-lan-c-ee….no pl-ea-s-e…n-o…” Tatsu replies.” But your wounds need to be patched or you won’t make it! Please let me help you… you cannot be stubborn’. Miku starts sobbing while trying to convince Tatsu. “I am …. ya-ku-za….”, Tatsu replies while coughing blood. Miku turns cold after hearing this, she becomes stiff as she doesn’t know what to do anymore.

She hears Tatsu coughing again and says “If you won’t go to a hospital then I will take you to my place and do your first aid, does this sound good to you…”, Miku grabs Tatsu by his shoulder, puts it over hers and moves towards her apartment, they climb the stairs slowly and reach outside her door. Miku places him by the doorframe and rushes in to prepare the water to clean the wounds. She returns with some oversized shirt of hers and a wash cloth to clean Tatsu. She lifts Tatsu and gets him in the living room, “Sir. Iam going to take your shirt off to clean your wounds” Miku says to Tatsu and he groans in return. As Miku is removing his shirt she notices his tattoos. “Wow, so this is a yakuza’s tattoos…. It’s so…cool…, I wonder what kind of life he has…no one has even come looking for him…maybe he is an underling…. does he have any family members around here?…. they must be worried since he hasn’t returned there, his phone is also broken…I hope these wounds heal soon and he gets well soon.” Miku mumbles while cleaning his wounds, she proceeds to clean his face…she takes off his glasses and is shocked “Ah-h… what-wh-at happened to his face…. these scars, and this one is going through his eye…will he be able to see again… such deep cuts on his chin and cheeks too… what a horrible fight he must have gotten into.” Miku prepares the bed for Tatsu to rest in and lays him in it, she then prepares little food so that when Tatsu wakes up she can give him little to eat.

Related  Anitale Winner #7 - I Am Mother

While waiting for Tatsu to wake up Miku dozes off by the doorframe. A few hours go by and Tatsu wakes up in a jerk,” ILL KILL ALL OF YOU!!…. HUH…where am I…my glasses! where is it” Tatsu looks around in search of it when he notices Miku sleeping at the door frame. “Did she get me here? Is she one of the enemy gangs’ members….? no …she would have already killed me by now…and she’s dressed differently…her place is quite small if she would be one of them…ahh I remember”, Tatsu gets little flashbacks to when Miku found him.” While trying to get up he finds his glasses and as he’s about to put it on he sees his reflection in the mirror, “what’s this…bandages? …did she do this.…She-she took care of me ……why would help even after I told her I am from the yakuza…she still helped me…. I-I need to get out of here……before anyone finds me…. or else she will be in a lot of trouble…”.

Tatsu tries to get up but struggles. He searches for his phone but finds it broken”ag-gh…this phone…” (gur-gur-gur) his stomach grumbles. “I am sooo hungry…. food….” Tatsu looks around, he sees a bowl covered. “Miso–…ahh finally something to chow-down on…this girl really helped me a lot”. Tatsu takes a sip and spits it out instantly” ughhh… is she trying to save me or kill me….does she even know how to cook, how is she surviving”, he looks around “cup-noodles…ahhh… this has been keeping her alive…and few boxes of take-out….lest see the fridge….”,Tatsu heads towards the fridge and opens it “hmmm…can stuff….some sweets and hardly any vegetables…I think I can make something out of these ingredients…ill make for this girl as well…as a thanks for helping me out.”

Before prepping to cook he carries Miku and places her in the futon and tucks her in. As he’s cooking, he starts thinking “didn’t she get scared when I said I was from the yakuza…she was…her voice was trembling…but she still helped me…she carried me all by herself…she’s stronger than she seems…” After cooking he eats his portion and cover’s Miku’s portion with a thank you note. “I still have the note …. Wait I’ll get it” Miku tells Masa. While Miku is getting it Masa takes Gin in his arms. “I got it” Miku hands Masa the note “Thank you, for looking after me. Your cooking stinks so I’ve prepared a portion for you, now I don’t owe you anything. -Immortal Dragon”.

Masa and Gin just stare at the note, “he cooked one meal and said he owes nothing…. that does feel like something he would have done back then”. Miku continues “I woke up after hearing the car screech…I found myself in the futon that Tatsu was sleeping in, he even had the miso that I prepared but then I saw the note and was a little embarrassed, but the stir fry he made was so delicious…. that’s why he cooks regularly”. As Tatsu finished writing the note he gets ready to leave, he gives one last look to Miku “I hope we never cross paths again…”. Tatsu leaves her apartment and walks down the stairs slowly. As he is walking down the road a car pulls up next to him, a member of his gang is in it, “where were you…. we searched the whole town and finally got a hold of you…. you made Boss wait for a long time now…be prepared”.

“Don’t worry it was his orders …it just look a little more time…” Tatsu replies. Tatsu gets in the car and they head towards the Main Mansion. “Boss, may I enter” Tatsu says outside the door. “Enter, you know how many people are in search of you…. some to side you…. and some to kill you……we tried calling you and no answer…. what should I understand from this behaviour……how will I know if the work I gave you is done or not!”, Tatsu calmly replies, “my phone was broken in the fight, and I was unconscious for a while…. don’t worry no one noticed…and the thing you sent me for is done ….”fine you may leave now, come to me in the morning” Tatsu leaves and heads to his room. While laying down he starts remembering Miku.” She doesn’t have a proper diet at all…. she will fall sick at this point “thinking how did Miku be this long without a proper meal Tatsu falls asleep.

Next morning when Miku leaves from her apartment for work she starts wondering” That guy… ‘Immortal Dragon’…is he alright now…. was he able to reach home safely……he’s a pretty great chef for someone who is in the yakuza…. maybe he’s the chef who cooks for them…but then why would he be beaten this much.” Her whole day goes thinking about who this guy was and why was he beaten up. Night falls and Miku returns from work to her apartment, on the way Miku thinks” Ahhhhh again it’s become late and my pay hasn’t increased yet …iam going to complain tomorrow at any cost…(gurr—guru—) yea…yea…I know your hungry…I guess I have few cup noodles left…. Ahh, I wish I had saved his cooked meal but It was soo tasty, I finished it in one go~~” Miku grumbles while climbing the stairs. As she’s about to unlock the door she sees a parcel on the handle.

“Huh.! What’s this….” Sniff~~ sniff~~” FOOD!!??!” Miku takes it in her apartment, she unwraps it just like a kid opening a present on Christmas “AHHH~~ GRILLED FISH WITH RICE ~~ SMELLS SOO GOOD~~ “Miku’s mouth waters as she arranges the table “WHO might have sent it? whoever sent it, thank you !! let’s dig in!! ITADAKIMASU ~~~” Miku starts eating & enjoys every bite. Every evening from that day onwards, Miku received some kind of meal hanging on her door knob, “Today it’s Chicken curry ~~ “, “its stew night ~~ “,” Curry dumplings~~ “…. Miku was curious to know who kept on sending her food, but even more than that, she was looking forward to know what she will receive next. Miku was sick one day, and decided to stay back home. It was raining heavily and there was a power outage. Miku is laying in her futon and suddenly gets an urge to drink Water.

She gets up to get a glass, when she notices a figure outside her door “is some one trying to break in!!??” Miku mumbles SHAKINGLY ~~ moving towards the door. As the figure is fidgeting with the handle, Miku moves to the door cautiously but bums into the shoe-rack. The sudden struck of the shoe rack alerts the so-called intruder, so the figure moves franticly. Miku rushes to open the door and see who it was “WHO’S THERE!! WHAT DO YOU WA-a-nt… Huh!! No one’s here….” As she bout to close the door she notices a parcel hanging on the door-knob. “Was this the person making & giving me Food ~~ …  Why did they leave like that…? I wanted to thank them~ ‘Chough-cough’ “As it was dark and raining the only source of light was the street lights, Miku couldn’t see anyone but, she felt someone’s presence and keeping an eye on her.

Miku takes the parcel and bows down in a thanking gesture, and goes in coughing~~. “Ughh~~ And here I thought I would be able to meet the person who took care of me, I couldn’t thank or meet the person but, I hope to meet them soon, and thank them properly “. Miku starts opening bento “Meat Buns!!..  SO WARM~~” Miku puts it to her cheeks and gets flustered ‘KNOCK-KNOCK ’Miku startles “Who’s There?? “ .. No replies. She gets up to open the door “Hello~~”, she looks around, no one’s around. just when she bout to close the door she sees some parcel bag again. She takes a bite of Bun While she’s inspecting the parcel. “Medicine …? And a note …- ‘Medication for Cough and cold’ … Huh!! Did this person realize I was sick? “After swallowing the bun Miku ask’s again “hello is anyone there?? “No answer, “if you are out there, I wanted to say thank you ~ thank you for your kind gesture, I hope to meet you soon “Saying this Miku goes back in her apartment.  

The Figure is Still hiding and hearing what all Miku said, giving a slight smirk. “I guess I should confront her soon…”  the figure mumbles. Miku wakes up the next morning feeling fresh and ready “Let’s get ready for work !!” She looks at the Calendar. “… YAY! It’s the weekend, Lets go Shopping! —After a quick nap~~” Miku jumps back in her futon.  Miku wakes after a while and gets ready to go out. When Miku is locking the door, she imagines where all she will go and what all she will get “Shall I try that new Parfait place – or maybe   some Takoyaki~ Maybe just some pastries for home to eat later ~” Miku reaches the shopping centre while thinking where to start. Miku passes a grocery store “I guess I need to restock my cup-noodles~” while Miku is going through the cup-noodles she hears some people whispering.

“Look at that man …. is he goanna use it to kill someone “why is he holding the knife and smiling!! “Miku lean and see who are these people talking about. ‘Who are these people talking about—IMMORTAL DRAGON!!, What’s he doing here!”. While Miku is shocked to see Tatsu, Tatsu is busy comparing knives “Will this be good for cutting…this blade is dull…but this has a nice grip on the handle…. hmmm…. EXCUSE ME SIR!”, a scared employee goes up to Tatsu” y-e-e-s sir, what can I help you with?”, “can you tell me which knives is good for cutting…” Tatsu asks,” umm…sir, what do you want to cut?” The employee hesitantly questions.” fruits~…” Tatsu replies with a slight blush on his face.

The employee in surprise replies “OH…for fruits….” he searches a knife “this one will be great…. its light to hold and our sharpest one….”. Tatsu takes the knife from the employee and thanks him and heads towards the fruits section. The employee is cornered by some shoppers “did he hurt you?”, “is he going to kill someone?”, “shall I call the police, you know who his target is right?” the employee tells them to quiet down and says “he just wanted a knife to cut fruits….and…he was… blushing~..”, Miku overhears everything and chuckles “I guess he likes someone…he blushed after all….”Miku becomes silent and starts moving to the cashier ,suddenly she spots him in the fruit aisle choosing fruits “he’s really putting a lot of thought into it…. My best wishes to you immortal dragon may that person accept your feelings~” Miku sighs~ and leaves the store, she carries on with her shopping. As she’s returning home, she notices that there is yet another parcel at her door, she takes it in while entering her apartment,” hmm~~ I wonder what will it be today~~”

Miku mumbles while unpacking it” oooo~~~It’s a dessert!…. Fruit Tart! Its soo pretty…~” Miku goes and grabs a plate for the tart “it’s so beautifully decorated…there’s apples~~oranges~~grapes~~melon~~and even berries and cherries~~~” suddenly she remembers something” …. wait a minute…didn’t he get these fruits as well…” Miku thinks back to when she saw Tatsu in the fruit aisle. “He did get the same fruits…. can it be him? nah~…why would he…he said he didn’t owe me anything…so if its him then why is he doing it?…as a thank you gesture?…but if its him it’s been a week already that he’s giving me food…there’s no reason for him …it must be someone else…” After she finishes eating, she tries to fall asleep but she keeps on thinking who this person could be.

She falls asleep wondering. The next morning, she decides to go home early to find out who it is, the whole day she works hard to complete all her work, later that evening Miku comes home early from work. When she reached, she made sure there was no parcel and went in “today’s the day I find out who it is….”. Miku waits and waits from 8:00pm it became 10:30pm, still there was not a single person that came by. ‘knock’’knock’ suddenly the there’s someone at the door, Miku rushes to open the door and finds………

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……. To be continued

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