Anitale Winner #1 – PROMETHEUS

anitale winner

End is not a Conclusion of something, it’s the beginning of more creative works. This Anitale 2023 competition had so many great stories and every participant gaved their best in showing their creativity. We came to end, but oppurtunities are still there. After going through every stories, the competition has 1 best story. One story which became best by it’s storytelling, unique concept and it’s execution and Mr. Farhaan Khan did this job in excellent way. His story “Prometheus” won this year’s Anitale 2023 competition:


Part 1 :- (The history)

A man who looks like a scientist from his attire came running to the tent in the rainy night… Dr. J is sitting in the tent smoking a cigar in is hands.

“The storm is going to clear in about 3 hrs” the man exclaimed.
“Ask the general whether we are ready for the test or not?” Dr. J orders the man.

The radio which was buzzing this whole time finally stops buzzing and a voice comes from it…”Dr? Dr? Am I audible?”
J quickly responds to the man over the radio who was actually the general.
“ I’ve checked all the parameters…we can successfully test the world’s first nuclear fission based bomb.” exclaims the general.

Doctor responds, “Yeah double check it again, I don’t want my 6.4kg plutonium raining all over the desert for nothing “

“As you say doc.”General turns off radio from his side and the radio in the tent starts buzzing again.

Getting hold of his cigar Dr. J tries to start a conversation with the man in scientific attire.
“What do you think will happen to the world if we succeed? Tell me your thoughts Donald.”

Donald replies,” guess we’ll see ourselves Dr. J”

“Yeah, you’re right…. (awkward pause)…..well do you know I’ve been recently interested in Sanskrit books…..”

(3 hours later)

“And the Vishnu says…” Dr. J gets interrupted by the buzzing of radio getting interrupted by general’s voice. “We are ready for the test Doc.”

“Great!  “Exclaimed Dr. J,”guess I’ll tell you what he says some other time”

Donald smiles and nods.

Part 2:- (The Future)

An Indian man comes to a door and the door scans his face and asks for his finger print. The man raises his palm to the door and it gets scanned.
“Welcome Mr.Ritesh” an automated voice greets him.

“Welcome back honey” His wife Suman arrives to the door to welcome him.

The man quickly rushes to the children’s room. Founding nobody, quickly rushes to his wife.
“Where are the Kids??” He shouts
“But what happened” she asks in a frightened voice.
“Just tell me where they are”
“Jay took Anaya to his friends house for a watch party to his friends house because One piece’s 1millionth episode is going to air today ….But honey what exactly what happened? Tell me…”
“We have to get them…You call them to get out on the road while I’m on my way to pick them up…we have to hurry” Shouts Ritesh while opening the door and rushing to his Flying Pod.

The wife gets outside following her husband…
“You stay inside” he yells on her and gets on his Pod and whooshes to Jay’s location.

Suman was worried but she turns back to get inside the house….As she turns she notices the that there’s a flash in the sky……she tries to see what it is……the flash was getting close the ground and the it hits the soil far away…….she call her husband…….
“Honey…what’s happening? I saw something in the sky……” Ritesh interrupts her, “I’m sorry I wanted to my protect family but I failed”

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She was listening to her husband but suddenly a very bright light rose from the ground…….it was so bright Suman couldn’t look at it…she tries to rush to her house…but she experiences extreme heat and she can’t open her eyes because they were melting and she tries to walk but her legs were burning and a final wave of heat comes vaporizing her away….The badge of the Government supervisor with name Ritesh also gets burned with the glass case in which it was kept.

Part 3:- (Confidence)

The News that the European Republic (ER) has launched a nuclear missile over the Indian region of the United Asian republic (UAR) has spreaded as the start for world war 3.

(UAR Headquarters)

Prime Minister Rajiv of The UAR rushes to President Yujiro….

“They did it…they fcking did it…..the world war 3 is now unavoidable…..We are in danger”

President calmly replies,” Calm down Rajiv…..We might be in danger but we have to show that we are the danger so the ER  would back off and world would be peaceful as it  was three years ago ”

“We should ask the African and American Continent to become allies to show some power over the ER” Yujiro asks out Rajiv.

“Yeah I’ll contact the president Donald of The AAC in a Flash”

“And I’ll also talk to the united league of republics to ask ER to stay put”

(The United League of Republics or The ULR is the successor of UN to maintain world peace and to provide a forum for resolving international disputes.)

Rajiv and Yujiro were quick to take action. They reached out to the leaders of the African and American Continent (AAC) as well as the United League of Republics (ULR). President Donald of the AAC was deeply concerned about the escalating situation and expressed his willingness to join forces against the European Republic’s aggressive actions.

The ULR convened an emergency meeting with representatives from various nations. The ER’s move had triggered a global crisis, and leaders from around the world were anxious to find a peaceful solution. The UAR’s plea for solidarity and restraint was agreed upon with many nations.

Days turned into weeks of intense negotiations. Diplomats worked tirelessly, drafting resolutions, proposing peace talks, and exploring avenues for conflict resolution. The ULR urged the ER to reconsider its actions and emphasized the dire consequences of their aggressive stance. The African and American Continent stood firm in their support of the UAR, calling for a unified response to ensure global stability.

But the ER was not ready for any negotiations, the other republics were surprised by the confidence the ER had in them that if a WW3 broke out, they would defiantly win.

Part 4:- (Resurrection)

Upon understanding the fact that the ER is not in the mood of listening to anyone

The United League of Republics (The ULR) has decided to bring the Man who was the reason that the ER has this much nuclear power and who is the Father of the world destroying power………Dr. J

(Part 4.5:- The Context)

The year is 2666 (Total 751 years after the first nuclear test).  The continents and the countries within them have merged into three major republics:-

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 The African and American Continent (AAC)

The European Republic (ER)

The United Asian republic (UAR)

The UN is now replaced by the organization named as the United League of Republics (ULR). Since the advanced leap in technology happened in the last 100 years, the scientists have developed a technology by which they can bring back some personalities from the past from a mere 4hrs to the future….To be precise the machine works on the principle of brain waves…The machine’s AI reads the whole life of the person and the generates same brain as the scientist might have had and the computer becomes the person itself…but the catch is the question and experience the AI attains in the real world is sent back in time to the person who we wanted to come to future through the time passage developed by the scientists…So in the past the person who was meant to actually come to future gains all the experience and memories the AI attained in the future… So it’s kind of the same as the person themselves coming to the future. But the limit of the Time passage is that memories would send only at the instant point of the individual’s life when he can no longer change the upcoming future just because of the future’s memories.

Part 5:- (Arrival and dismissal)

 The of the ULR thought out the idea of bringing back DR. J from the past as he in the past himself had shown his wish that the world should not depend on the power of nuclear bombs in future as it may cause the destruction of the planet and humanity.

Upon discussing the full matter they decided to bring the conscious of Dr. J to the Future. The president of ULR Mr. Jay and the Vice president Mr. Hayakawa told the scientists to prepare the computer and try the new Tungsten Alloy Body for the AI to move around….the body is military grade and it is assumed that the metallic body can even Tank a nuclear attack.

“Make sure to also upload the context (part 4.5) to the computer as Dr. J would find the world difficult to understand as it is very different from the time he is from” The President ordered one o the scientist.


The Computer screen started glowing with a face on it…it was Dr. J’s.

“Transfer the consciousness to the body”, the scientist who appeared to be the head of the department exclaimed.

The metallic body’s eyes started glowing and a voice came crawling out of its mouth…”Your world is Doomed I guess…well can I smoke in this body?”

The ULR’s president approached Dr. J and shook his hand firmly and said, “I afraid you can’t” and smiles towards him.

‘You appear to be a nice gentleman Mister Jay and as I can see science has came a long way in future, but still disappointed by the fact that metallic statues still cant smoke” Dr. j Taunts the scientists in room in a sarcastic manner…The people read the mod and went along by laughing with Dr.

Then the vice president interrupts the laugh by saying,” I think you do know why we called you here”

“Oh I do and as you know I may have made the first bomb but I also knew what could’ve happened to the world with its power, Hence I am willing to talk to this ER into resonating with peace instead of war” Dr. J answers.

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As they were talking a guy came rushing to the room and approached the president,

“Mr. Jay I have confirmed with UAR … They have confirmed from their spies in the ER….The real reason behind ER’s confidence and I don’t think they would even listen to Dr. J” President interrupts him by saying,” First of all calm down and tell me properly what you got to know”

Dr. J hands the guy a bottle of water which was lying near the chair on which Dr. J was sitting.

The Person drinks few sips and says,” The spies of The UAR have confirmed that the Scientists of The ER have been working on a new kind of bomb based on the principles of Dr. J’s nuclear bomb and supernova explosions.”

As he completed his sentence the head scientist present in the room cried out loud,” But that’s stupidity…supernova’s are extremely hard to control and are very unstable”

“This could be very dangerous I fear” Dr. J Softly says to the President.

The president was just about to say something a message pops up on everyone’s communication device saying……


As everyone panicked reading this message…..Dr. J points out a flash in the sky getting brighter and brighter…. And in no time everyone realized that it was a SUPERNOVA BOMB heading towards them…just in a few seconds Dr. J saw the melting and burning bodies of the ULR members he tries to grab the hand of the president but it melts….Dr. J runs in the metallic body as fast as he could but only sees death and hears cries of the dead along his way…… He then realizes even seeing these deaths eye to eye…he can’t even cry in this body or puke it out….He then feels dizzy in the body….his time was up in this world…..the memories are about to gush in his brain from the past….

(Part 6:- Death)

The Buzzing of the radio stops once again, “Are you ready to witness you creation doctor?” general exclaimed in joy.

“Well let’s cut this BS out of the way and test the bomb” Dr. J answers laughing.

“Okay sir as you say…so the countdown begins….a new discovery for the mankind” General answers…

10… 09… 08… 07… 06… 05… 04… 03… 02…

(memories came gushing in Dr. J’s mind)


The Bomb successfully explodes….

“Did you see that Mr. J…We successfully created the world’s first Nuclear Bomb” Donald exclaimed in Joy…

Dr. J was staring at the explosion site with security glasses on lifelessly.

He removes the glasses and seeing his eyes it seemed that he was about cry out loud.

Donald: – “Hey Dr. J everything okay….we won….what happened?”

Dr.:-“Now I am Become Death….The destroyer of Worlds”

Donald: – “What?”

Dr.:- “I told you I’ll tell you what Vishnu says some other time..This is what  he says….”

Epilogue: – (AWAKENING)

The buzzing radio ceased, and Dr. J’s voice returned. He had successfully detonated the first nuclear bomb. Donald celebrated, but Dr. J’s eyes reflected sorrow.

He quoted,

“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”

Dr J

Written By,
Farhaan Khan

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