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Aniplex produces the new anime with the mysterious code name “o”

Aniplex Code Name O anime news otaku mantra

On 15 January 2024, the official website of Aniplex Japan listed the mysterious website. It is revealed that Aniplex is producing a brand-new anime whose Code Name is “O“.


Aniplex’s Anime Code Name “o” DETAILS

Aniplex decided to produce a brand-new anime. No information about this brand-new anime is announced, but it is revealed that the anime’s Code Name is O:

Aniplex Code Name O anime news otaku mantra
©️Aniplex Inc

A Mysterious Official website was released today by Aniplex. “O” official website: https://aniplex.co.jp/xld3mb/

The next information will be released on January 18th, and further information will be announced later. Bookmark our website for more updates.

Aniplex, Inc. is a Japanese entertainment and media company. It is a subsidiary of Sony Music Entertainment Japan as part of the Sony Group. This company is mainly engaged in the planning, production, and distribution of anime series and movies with a focus on multimedia deployment of its own and licensed IPs.

Source: Oricon Japan

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