12 years of Guwahati Anime Club and it’s legacy

Guwahati Anime Club

Guwahati anime club recently completed there 12th year anniversary on 20th September 2023 creating a decade plus years of legacy for anime fans all over assam and India. This article is a celebration to the passion, friendship, and twelve years of captivating stories of Guwahati Anime Club. Let’s be a part of this nostalgic journey through the years as Sunny Boruah Das (admin of Guwahati Anime Club) tells us about the Fun moments ,friendship and cherished memories that have made the Guwahati Anime Club an amazing part of our lives.


The Story of Guwahati Anime Club

Guwahati Anime Club” A.K.A “GAC” was established by Mounash Pathak and Madhurjya Pegu as a Facebook page back in the year 2011 in the search for people and friends who were interested in anime or loved anime from around Guwahati and Assam, as the Facebook page started to grow, people in the page started establishing WhatsApp groups and sub groups for the members to chat and interact with other members with similar interest on a regular basis.

The idea behind the club

The core philosophy of the “GAC” back then was to unite otakus and people who love anime around Guwahati under a community, and to be able to meet with the people of similar interest to have talk session, discussion and have fun with each other once a month.

In today’s time “GAC” aims to provide a place that feels like a second home for the people connected to it , as everyone has become very close to each other, the club has become a safe space for the members and the admins of “GAC” want to keep it that way.

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The best year of GAC

The most successful year is a hard one to answer as there is hard competition between multiple years but the if we had to select one it will definitely be the year 2022 as it is the most memorable year when we finally organised GAC’s first ever cultural event called ‘WinterTide’ which became a huge success.

Events by GAC

GAC conducts two major event throughout the year namely ‘Shōdoun’ and ‘WinterTide” this event are majorly talent based competition

1.Shōdoun: Shōdoun is an annual online talent competition which is held every summer with variety of different categories that one can participate in such as Traditional Art, Digital Art, Cosplay, AMV (anime music videos/edits), and vocal and instrumental covers.

2.WinterTide : “WinerTide” is an offline cultural event that is conducted by “GAC” during the winter season. The first ever “WinterTIde” was conducted in 2022 and it was such a huge sucsess that all the tickets where sold out of the event within 48 hours of the announcement. I (Anurag Dwivedi) am looking forward to this years “WinterTide” and can hopefully visit it and enjoy it

WinterTide video

Other than this special events “GAC” also conducts monthly meet ups at various parks and public places along with special movie meet ups.

Unique Approaches

I (Sunny ) wouldn’t say that we have any unique approaches but we always try to give whatever benefits we can to our members whether in the form of moral support, opportunities etc. GAC will always remain a non-profit community.

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Future of Anime as per GAC

The future of anime looks great in India as the popularity of anime is increasing day by day. Corporations and people involved in the anime industry are also becoming aware of the growing fanbase and market in India.

Craze of Anime in North-East

The craze of anime in North East India is such that it has become common to find someone wearing an anime t-shirt in the streets on a daily basis. Movies like “Weathering With You” and “Suzume” had a sold out audience for an entire month during it’s theatrical run over here. so yeah its definitely a promising path ahead

The anime revolution is just starting! More great days are coming for all otakus and anime fans! Till then meet you again…

Signing off,
Anurag Dwivedi

Checkout the list of amazing anime clubs in India

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