For submitting any News Submissions, Press Releases, Official Announcements, etc
You can reach out to our newsroom editor at[email protected] 

If we receive a public tip from a social media account, we will credit the username of the person with the news tip, unless otherwise specified in the communication. If we receive a private news tip via social media private message or email, we will not credit you unless specifically asked. This means if you do not state either way in your email or private message that you would like to be credited, we will assume that you would not like to be credited. If you wish Otaku Mantra to credit you, please include this in your message: “Please credit me as [name].” Otaku Mantra’s policy is to prioritize the privacy of our news tippers.

Also, while submitting a press release to us, please make sure to read the following guidelines section:

Before sending us a press release, make sure it is formatted properly and easy for us to import onto the site. While we post press releases we receive via email, we do not post them if they:
1. are not attached to the email or are in the email body (outside links or Google Drive links do not count),
2. are not formatted properly
3. rely heavily on images (we only post the text of the press release). 

Press releases have a very specific format guide. Press releases are only for companies, they aren’t necessary if you’re just submitting a news item.